Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Huge Controversy in Charloe Musu Murder Trial–As Govt. Pathologist admits to conflicting results as ‘normal scenario’

The trail involving the murder of the late Charloe Musu at Criminal Court ‘A’ at the Temple of Justice, on Monday, December 18, 2023, saw an unprecedented level of controversy as the Government of Liberia Pathologist, Dr. Benedict Kolee told state prosecutors that the difference in results of his (Benedict Kolee) Autopsy report and that of foreign pathologist, Dr. Matthau I. Okoye are ‘normal scenario’.
Dr. Kolee argued that the changes in results from the same DNA specimen by two different pathologists does not represent any wrong Autopsy report.
During a cross-examination in court, the JFK Chief Pathologist said, “Science is exact but same DNA specimen can produce different Autopsy results”.
It can be recalled that during a hearing on December 12, 2023, forensic pathologist, Dr. Matthau I. Okoye of the USA testified in the ongoing Charloe Musu murder trial which involves former Chief Justice Gloria Musu Scott and three other members of her household.
Dr. Okoye testified that a male fingernail profile appeared on the left hand of the late Charloe Musu but admitted that he could not identify the man in question.
This testimony contradicts the initial findings of the Liberian pathologist, Benedict Kolee, chief pathologist of the John F. Kennedy Hospital.
The USA base Pathologist further stated that the blood spatter from the window of the guest room did not show any major DNA profile. However, the blood spatter from Gloria Musu-Scott’s bedroom on the bedsheets displayed the DNA profile of Charloe Musu.
During cross-examination, Dr. Okoye indicated that the DNA profile of the late Charloe Musu was consistent with all the evidence, leading to the complete exclusion of Gloria Musu-Scott and the three members of her household. This conclusion was based on comparing the DNA profiles obtained from blood samples of Alice Johnson and Gloria Musu-Scott with the blood spatter found in various locations within the house.
The Forensic Pathologist noted that his team compared these profiles with the fingernail clippings from Charloe Musu, revealing that the only foreign DNA profile was that of a minor contributor by a male on the left hand of the late Charloe Musu.
Dr. Okoye revealed they have YSTR that they can use to match any suspect, even animals present at the scene that night. He emphasized the confidence level, stating that there is a male who may have been the intruder or evader, causing the injury or death of Charloe Musu, with a confidence level exceeding 99% and 1 out of a billion.
Y-STR is a short tandem repeat (STR) on the Y-chromosome. Y-STRs are often used in forensics, paternity, and genealogical DNA testing to match any suspect in an ongoing investigation.
Regarding toxicology, Dr. Okoye stated that the toxicology report did not contribute to the cause of death. There was no evidence of drug overdose or toxicity that would have killed the deceased, according to the toxicologist’s report.
Dr. Okoye clarified the DNA analysis process, noting that the first autopsy’s DNA report did not identify a Y chromosome. He emphasized the use of DNA analysis through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for accurate results.
Dr. Okoye, a Lawyer who has practiced and taught Medicine for over 42 years, is a member of the American Board of Medicine and has conducted over twenty thousand autopsies in the USA and Africa including 4 in Liberia (including Angel Togba).
This controversy follows that of Monrovia City Mayor JeffersonTamba Koijee who was subpoena along with Orange GSM of his call log on 0779229900, which he said is his official number.
The said number however, which the latest subpoenaed call log from Orange GSM reveals is registered in the name of a female. By Pewu Y. Sumo.

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